Social Media Policy
I. Purpose.
The City of Barnesville (the “City”) utilizes social media to share information regarding City business with the general public. In an effort to promote appropriate information exchange with community members, the City welcomes and encourages posts and comments that are related to the specific content posted on its social media pages. This Social Media Policy applies to any existing or proposed social media pages sponsored, established, registered, or authorized by the City, except the Barnesville Main Street Program social media page(s).
II. General Policy.
Social media is the term used to describe multiple online sites including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other online forums that allow the City to share information with the general public. The City currently has an official Facebook page with certain facilities and departments having separate Facebook pages. The City’s social media pages are limited public forums. Any comment posted by a member of the public is the opinion of the commenter and in no way is that comment or post the opinion of the City. All comments posted to the City’s social media pages are bound by the social media site’s conduct policy, for example, Facebook’s Statement of Rights and Responsibilities. The City reserves the right to report any violation of Facebook’s Statement of Rights and Responsibilities to Facebook.
III. Comment Policy.
Comments posted on social media pages will be monitored by the City. The City will not edit any comments posted by outside users; however, the City reserves the right to ban users and remove any inappropriate comments or posts (“content”) including, but not limited to, the following:
- Profane, obscene, or violent content/and or language;
- Sexual content;
- Content that promotes, fosters, or perpetuates discrimination on the basis of race, color, age, religion, gender, or national origin;
- Content that threatens any person or organization;
- Content that violates intellectual property rights;
- Content referencing political parties or an individual’s political affiliations;
- Advertisements of any kind promoting services or products;
- Content promoting any illegal activity;
- Content which might compromise the safety and security of the public or public systems;
- Content not related to the original post; or
- Content that violates any federal, state, or local law.
By accessing, using, or posting to any City social media page, you acknowledge that you have been advised of the foregoing. Content posted on any City social media page is subject to Minnesota’s Government Data Practices Act found under Minn. Stat. Chapter 13. For more information relating to the City of Barnesville, please visit the City’s website at
* This Social Media Policy may be revised at any time by the City of Barnesville or its authorized representative. The City reserves the right to shut down any of its social media pages or accounts for any reason without notice.