Council Members
The City of Barnesville is governed by a Mayor and six City Council members. The City is divided into three wards representing different geographical areas of the City. Each Council member is assigned to different portfolios. Residents are encouraged to reach out to City Council members who represent their area of the community whenever they have questions or concerns.

Portfolios Holders and Committee Assignments
Admin, Finance & Personnel: Bauer & Field
Liquor, Ordinances, & Buildings: Stuvland & Bergman
Public Works: Bergman & Goedtke
Police, Fire, & Ambulance: Rick & Stokka
TEC Advisory Board: Bergman & Field
Planning Commission: Stuvland
Airport Advisory Board: Field
Park Board: Stuvland & Stokka
Community Education: Stokka
Barnesville HRA: Stuvland
EDA: Goedtke & Bauer
Emergency Operations Director: Stokka & Rick
JP Zoning Board: Bauer & Goedtke
JP Board of Adjustment: Bergman & Field
Dev. Control Board: Stokka & Bergman
Administrative Appeals Board: Brent Berg
City Administrator: Jeremy Cossette
City Attorney: Charles Ramstad
City Clerk: Jeri Reep
Chief of Police: Joel Voxland
Fire Chief: Andy Boyum