As required by Federal law, Moore Engineering is working with City of Barnesville staff to document the materials and size of water service line throughout Barnesville. This initiative is to document the presence of lead service pipes.
Many residents have previously provided this information. Information is still needed from some homes. This coming Wednesday, July 10th, Moore Engineering staff members started knocking on doors of people that haven’t provided this information yet. They will be coming in teams of two and will wear the bright orange Moore Engineering vests. If they missed you they will put a door hanger on your door requesting to set-up an appointment.
A portion of their job includes a visual inspection of the service line as it enters the building.
If you prefer to complete this documentation yourself, you are still able to complete the online survey and if you have any questions, you can call the HOTLINE at 701.751.8363 for additional assistance. Successful completion of the online survey will eliminate the need for someone to enter the building for documentation purposes.
Click the link below to access the survey. It will take approximately 5 minutes and walk you through how to find your property’s water service pipe. You will need a coin, magnet, and smartphone. Please follow the directions in the survey for specifics.
We appreciate your cooperation!”