Over the last two weeks Barnesville’s water usage has increased by 25-30% per day. This is likely due to the drought conditions, causing people to water their lawns and gardens more frequently.  The city receives its water from wells, then it goes through a treatment process before it is sent to your home. Regardless of the volume of water needed by the public; the water treatment plant also needs time for daily maintenance.

For these reasons, effective Tuesday, June 1, the Barnesville City Council has put Water Restrictions in place to ensure that the community’s water demand will be met.

We recognize that it may be inconvenient for residents to make these changes, but by everyone working together we do not need to add additional restrictions.


  • No lawns can be watered between 10:00 am and 7:00 pm
  • Homes with even-numbered addresses can only water their lawn or wash vehicles on even numbered dates in the morning from 12:01 am to 9:59 am and in the evening from 7:01 pm to 11:59 pm (ex. house number 502 can water on the 2nd, 4th, 6th, etc.)
  • Homes with odd-numbered addresses can only water their lawn or wash vehicles on odd numbered dates in the morning from 12:01 am to 9:59 am and in the evening from 7:01 pm to 11:59 pm (ex. house number 501 can water on the 1st, 3rd, 5th, etc.)
  • Recently established lawns may be watered daily for up to six weeks after installation, but only     between 7:00 pm and 10:00 am
  • Watering flowers, gardens, trees, and shrubs with handheld watering devices is allowed,  BUT they must be attended at all times and must have some form of water flow control attached (example: water nozzle on a hose)

  Failure to follow these restrictions will result in the following penalties

  • $25 fine per day in violation
  • $50 fine per day for additional violations in the same calendar year

THANK YOU for your compliance with these rules. Following these restrictions ensures all residents will have access to adequate water.