I-94 Cable Barrier Median Project Begins July 24
Motorists on Interstate 94 near Moorhead will experience intermittent lane and shoulder closures when a cable median barrier installation project begins July 24.
Crews will install the cable barrier along seven miles of I-94 from the Red River to the Buffalo River.
Motorists should prepare to slow down in areas where crews are working.
Crews will begin between 34th Street and the Red River. Lane closures will primarily affect westbound traffic. Work hours will be restricted to prevent congestion during peak traffic hours.
The lane closures will be coordinated with adjacent closures in North Dakota.
The project is expected to last about one month, weather permitting.
Cable median barrier prevents vehicles from crossing medians and hitting oncoming traffic. Installing cable median barrier in strategic locations helps prevent fatal and serious injury crashes.
Additional information about cable median barriers is available at: cmbarrier.html.
For real-time travel information anywhere in Minnesota, visit www.511mn.org, call 5-1-1 or log on to www.mndot.gov .